Saturday, September 1, 2012


Okay, now the Republican Convention is over and I don't know any more than before.  Still no real information about how Romney plans on "turning around" the economy.

 Lots of fear about the fact that he said let the oceans rise, I am going to help you and your family.  What exactly does that mean? 

Just a thought.  The north Arctic ice is melting much faster than anyone thought.  Everyone knows that no ice means warmer ocean water and higher ocean water.  Coastal cities include Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Miami, (well, actually, all of Florida) New Orleans, Los Angeles and San Francisco would be seriously affected by this.   Does anyone besides me wonder where those people will go if these areas flood?  And that is not even considering other countries.  Shouldn't we wonder what could be done?  No, actually, we are just excited that we can DRILL for oil there now and isn't that what is important?  That way we can drive to higher ground.

Then there is the health care.  Gonna get rid of "Obamacare".  What are you going to do for those young adults who are now able to stay on their parents' insurance but won't be when you take that away.  Can't call on the government to help because everyone knows government is too big so we will just cut that.  Those students can just take loans from their parents.  Really, I don't know about you but I can't loan anyone anything.  Now I need to worry about my fixed retirement income and my medicare insurance that I can just barely afford now.  Social Security, yes, cut it out over the next 40 years.  I can handle that I guess if I have to.

School choice.  For whom.  Oh, those people rich enough to send their kids to private schools.  Public schools, what?  will be fazed out also?  All those people who cannot afford it will what?  Not go to school?  College is only available for those kids who can afford the rising tuition or again, Just borrow from their parents?  Have you met the middle class?  Who are you people?

Okay, welfare.  Now there is a topic we can all agree on, right.  Make those lazy people go to work.  Oops, there aren't any jobs.  Drug testing?  Absolutely.  Will the big corporations pay for that?  We can't ask the government to because we are gonna need that money to balance the budget.  I would vote for it if someone said Exon, Bane, Morgan Chase have all agreed to fund drug testing programs for all people receiving public assistance.  They also have agreed to fund drug rehabilitation programs for all those who test positive.  They also will fund public works jobs to put these people to work instead of just giving them free food and housing.  I would vote for that in a heartbeat.

Now, in a perfect world, the large corporations would step up and support programs to retrain those people who lost their jobs through "downsizing" (another name for sending jobs overseas).  They would actually have research and development divisions who were working on ways to solve our crumbling infrastructure problems, what to do with the serious drought and it's devastating effect on food for livestock and people, and a myriad of other problems.  Corporations could really make a difference.  But, I don't hear anyone suggesting how.

I would vote for giving tax credits to those companies.  I would vote for giving tax credits to companies who are developing new forms of products made in America. 

I would even vote for companies who would take on struggling school systems as corporate partners in order to give our children a chance to compete in the world.  They could help pay good teachers what they deserve for a change. 

I don't see any companies stepping up to do any of these things.  I don't hear anyone saying this is what we should do in order to decrease the size of government.  Will it just magically happen?  Why would I vote for anyone who cannot answer what I consider to be important concerns?  Why would I change?  I would love to see every member of congress paid based on productivity.  Back when I worked in a factory we were paid piecework.  Lets start downsizing government with congress.  You do not get paid for saying no we won't do that because it doesn't give me anything.  Get rid of super- pacs.  Get rid of corporate lobbies.  Lets go back to Of the People, By the People and For the People.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I am not here to criticize but.......

I don't know about you but I hate all the negative political commercials.  Sitting here in NY, I don't hear any because I am not watching TV.  I can feel my mind and body calm down.  I smile more and think more positively.  I don't know about you, but I don't believe either side.  I really would love to hear someone say, lets discuss this and come to an agreement. 

Where did this idea of a two party system come from?  Why is it that they have to totally disagree and refuse to budge one inch from their little, useless stands on non issues.  I will be so happy when the first Wednesday in November comes.  Elections will be over.  Half of the country will be angry and half will be happy.  Life will be normal again....right?  Oh ya, right, what's normal?

The Great State Fair

What is more American than a State Fair?  The opportunity to show off the best of what your state has to offer.  The biggest pumpkin, squash or Dahlia.  Award winning chickens, rabbits, goats, cows and pigs.  Quilts, pies and grandma's famous jam.

That's what I remember.  Not this year.  The buildings were filled with venders selling everything conceivable.  That part got old really quickly.

There was the great NY State Troopers who repelled from a tower.  That was cool.  There was the health building with a really cool fire prevention section for kids.  And of course, there were the strange varieties of very bad for you food.  Fried _________________ fill in the blank.  The new one this year was fried bubble gum.  Really?

So why is the State Fair scene changing?  Are we going so far away from the americana those of us who were born before the 1990's remember?  I guess.  Maybe we just need to take a trip to the Smithsonian museum of American History to see these things again.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Just an idea

What do I want from my government?  Wow, what a concept.  How about what am I willing to do for my neighbor?  I hear so much about they should do this, they should do that...

.It is enough that someone believes abortion or welfare is wrong so you don't have to care what they think about gay rights, equal pay, or immigration.  Whatever your little issue is should rule who runs this country, right?.

Does that really make sense?  Do all your friends and family members have to believe exactly as you do about every issue?  Do  you only love those who agree fully with you?  If that were the case you would be very alone. 

Do I believe people should work for what they get?  Yes.  Do I believe we should refuse to help them if they don't.  If it were that easy, then yes but what about those who would love to work for a living, who look for work every day. Do we throw them to the wolves along with those users and losers?  Is there another way?  Is anyone looking for another way?

What about those who lost jobs to outsourcing, downsizing, company aquisition?  Is it worth my paying a few cents less for my purchases because they are produced in 3rd world countries.  Should I be insisting on American made merchandise?  Is that even possible now?  Does it bother anyone else that even American flags are produced in other countries?  If we are no longer producers in this country then what is our industry that keeps us working?  Can we become producers again?

School Days

Time for back to school jitters.  Kids wonder about their teachers, their friends and what to do on the playground.  Teachers wonder about their students, their schedule and new parents.  It is a stressful time for everyone.  I remember the feelings.  It is exciting.

This is going to be a stressful couple of months because of the election.  People have very strong beliefs and although they don't think their kids listen, they do.  They take their parents' concerns to the classroom and sometimes the playground.  It is true that during an election year, there are often "fights" on the playground based on political issues.

Adults say things and kids take it very seriously.  It is all or nothing with them.  If you do not believe like them, you are the enemy.

Teachers are very aware of this and have to difuse some of these arguments.  Teachers cannot have political opinions in the classroom.  That is good because in younger grades there are three sources of truth.  Mom, Dad and the teacher.  When they disagree, the child is very confused about who to support.  It may be nothing to you but it can cause a lot of stress in the child.  Sometimes the child will not want to go to school just to remove that stress.  Fight or flight.  Adults can sort things out.  Kids, not so much.

And, believe it or not, when a child does not want to go to school, it is not always the school that is causing the problem.  The more cooperative the teacher and parent is, the more positive the child will be about school.

Have a great year.