Monday, August 27, 2012

Just an idea

What do I want from my government?  Wow, what a concept.  How about what am I willing to do for my neighbor?  I hear so much about they should do this, they should do that...

.It is enough that someone believes abortion or welfare is wrong so you don't have to care what they think about gay rights, equal pay, or immigration.  Whatever your little issue is should rule who runs this country, right?.

Does that really make sense?  Do all your friends and family members have to believe exactly as you do about every issue?  Do  you only love those who agree fully with you?  If that were the case you would be very alone. 

Do I believe people should work for what they get?  Yes.  Do I believe we should refuse to help them if they don't.  If it were that easy, then yes but what about those who would love to work for a living, who look for work every day. Do we throw them to the wolves along with those users and losers?  Is there another way?  Is anyone looking for another way?

What about those who lost jobs to outsourcing, downsizing, company aquisition?  Is it worth my paying a few cents less for my purchases because they are produced in 3rd world countries.  Should I be insisting on American made merchandise?  Is that even possible now?  Does it bother anyone else that even American flags are produced in other countries?  If we are no longer producers in this country then what is our industry that keeps us working?  Can we become producers again?

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