Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I am not here to criticize but.......

I don't know about you but I hate all the negative political commercials.  Sitting here in NY, I don't hear any because I am not watching TV.  I can feel my mind and body calm down.  I smile more and think more positively.  I don't know about you, but I don't believe either side.  I really would love to hear someone say, lets discuss this and come to an agreement. 

Where did this idea of a two party system come from?  Why is it that they have to totally disagree and refuse to budge one inch from their little, useless stands on non issues.  I will be so happy when the first Wednesday in November comes.  Elections will be over.  Half of the country will be angry and half will be happy.  Life will be normal again....right?  Oh ya, right, what's normal?

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