Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Change Part 1 Seasonal

As the seasons begin to change I think about the effect of change on mood, energy and creativity.  We are moving from the sunny, warm summer to a crisper, more variable autumn.  Is there a reason we become more reluctant to go out for walks, choose creative activities or start new projects as it gets colder.

Well, according to a research study in the Journal of General Psychiatry, there is a reason.  It seems that "the serotonin transporter protein, a brain chemical that reducds levels of the mood-regulating hormone serotonin aroud brain cells, is more active during the darker months of the year, and suggested this could be the mechanism that explains why some people feel less happy and lower in energy during the winter months."

That makes sense to me.  There are things you can do.  You can take serotonin supplements.  You can spend extra time outside on sunny days even those those days are shorter.  You can get natural lighting for your home.  You can also do what a lot of northern retired people do and travel to Florida or Arizona during the winter months.

But what about little children.  Is there something we can do for them so they do not have to suffer this feeling of sadness, listlessness, depression or just lack of energy.  Is there something you can do at home?  Is there something you can do at school?  Considering the fact that much of school time is during these "darker" months, it seems it would help with the education process if the emotional and energy level in the children should be addressed.  Learning does not only come from "gaining information", it also involves the ability to receive and use this information.  If I see a child laying on the desk and reluctant to participate or get excited about an activity, I need to address the emotional or energy level of this child before I try to "pour in information".

Another idea is how much exercise do the children get during these colder, darker months.  When children spend all their time sitting inside, there is no exercise to stimulate positive energy.  During those times, it is important to make sure they do more movement inside.  When I was teaching, I would make sure the children got up to move every half hour.  We stretched, we walked, we moved around.  I found that after I started doing that, I didn't have as many children who became unavailable for learning.

So when the weather changes outside, it is important to change the activity inside.  Not just at school, but also at home.  Not just children, but also adults.

Words vs Actions

I don't know about you, but I don't listen to the advertisements these days.  None really speak for the candidate.  They are all lies.  They are like "reality" shows.  There is no reality in them.  I don't read the media blitz stuff either.  Same thing.  No reality in them.  So where do I go to get reality?  Well, I am from the old school....a picture is worth 1000 words.  I also believe the text in the bible that says...."A little child shall lead them."  That obviously does not mean that children know best what to do in the world.   What I think it means is children who have not joined the race to "lie" for their own profit, know who to trust.  I have some pictures.  You decide what they say.