Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Great State Fair

What is more American than a State Fair?  The opportunity to show off the best of what your state has to offer.  The biggest pumpkin, squash or Dahlia.  Award winning chickens, rabbits, goats, cows and pigs.  Quilts, pies and grandma's famous jam.

That's what I remember.  Not this year.  The buildings were filled with venders selling everything conceivable.  That part got old really quickly.

There was the great NY State Troopers who repelled from a tower.  That was cool.  There was the health building with a really cool fire prevention section for kids.  And of course, there were the strange varieties of very bad for you food.  Fried _________________ fill in the blank.  The new one this year was fried bubble gum.  Really?

So why is the State Fair scene changing?  Are we going so far away from the americana those of us who were born before the 1990's remember?  I guess.  Maybe we just need to take a trip to the Smithsonian museum of American History to see these things again.

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