Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Should Congress be fined for inactivity?

Given that the House of Representatives is the governing body that "creates" laws, a fine does not seem to be in the cards.  Since the Senate is the voting body, if it was proposed it would not be passed.

The present Congress was the least productive in the history of this country.  They became the congress of NO.  No compromise, no proposals, no laws passed, no nothing.  They became a laughing stock in the country and more importantly, the world.  The republicans refused to consider anything that was proposed by the President, the Democrats refused to consider anything that was proposed by the Republicans, the Tea Party refused to consider anything from anyone at any time for any reason.  If that is an indication of what we can expect from the Tea Party, please let the party be over.  The only thing they seemed to bring to the table was arrogance.

I would love to see voters actually look at the congress voting record and vote for those who actually did something constructive. 

I actually believe there are some members of congress who want to do their jobs and work for their constituents.  They should stay.  The rest should go.

This is supposed to be a government of the people by the people and for the people.  Someone PLEASE remember that.

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