Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sandy the Franenstorm

Today is the day before Sandy is supposed to hit the east coast.  When I think about it bearing down on the most densely populated part of the east coast, it is a bit scary.  There are some good things about it.  Not every waking minute of TV broadcasting is filled with lies about political candidates.  I think it is God saying,"Excuse me, bigger problems here.  More power here.  You give individuals credit for all that happens in the world and I can squash your thinking with one storm".  Even the timing is perfect.  Just a little over a week away, we will hopefully find out who won and who will be president.  The winner will be able to go home, write memoirs and give soundbite speeches now and then.  The president gets to gather blame for everything that goes wrong in the world.

Truth is, there will be unemployment, there will be war, there will be finger pointing  and that is just in congress.  Life will go on.  People will be used and abused, the evil rich will steal money, the poor will steal money.  Drugs will still be a problem on the streets and in the boardrooms.  Bullying will still be a problem in the schools and in the boardroom.  Conservatives will blame the liberals and liberals will blame the conservatives.  Life will go on, and down.  No single person. including the president, can change that in 4 years or 8 years.  It takes generations.  It takes teaching the youngest ones to expect better.  It takes generations of teaching the youngest ones to do better.

God is speaking to us.  During the coming Hurricane, while you are sitting in your dark quiet house listening to the wind and rain, listen carefully for the still small voice in the midst of it.  "I am.  I am the blessed controller of all things.  Turn your hearts to love.  THAT is where the answer is."  Listen to the still small voice of God.  Then do what he says.  Whoever wins the presidency, pray for that person.  Teach your children to respect the office of president, to love everyone, especially those you don't like.  They need it the most.  Trust God to do the rest.  That wind you are hearing lets us know that He is actually the one in charge!

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