Saturday, October 13, 2012

Civility and Citizenship

On November 6, 2012 the American people will once again decide who will be the face of this great country.  Once that decision is made half of the citizens will be relieved and half will be unhappy.  But it has happened every four years since the early 1800's.  Well over 200 years we have argued, worried, prayed, and voted.  That doesn't change.

Civility says we move on and support our government and the decision of the people.  Citizenship says we work to uphold those things we believe are in the best interest of the people and we work to change those things we believe are not in the best interest of the people.  We have the right and responsibility in this country to do both of these things.  We have the responsibility to teach our children to do the same.

The Bible says in the old testament, "If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves, seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, and pray, then will I hear from heaven and restore their land."

 I know what this verse means to me.  It means I need to remember whose I am.  I need to realize that I am not supposed to "get" from my government what I want, I am supposed to give to my country what we needs.  It means that no matter who is the face of the country, someone greater is in charge.  It means I need to pray for the leaders of the country whether I voted for them or not.  It means I need to practice love and caring, not hate and fear.

I need to shine a light on those who are doing good for others, not those with whom I disagree on issues.  I need to be what I say people should be.  I need to let my actions speak for me.

The people we are voting for in November are just that, PEOPLE.  They do care, they do make mistakes.  They don't have all the answers.  They don't even know all the questions.  They will make more mistakes.  And, in four years we will do it all over again.  But, as for me, I am going to humble myself and pray.  I am going to seek the face of God in the wonderful caring people in the world, in the beauty of our natural world, in the shining eyes of innocent children, in the majestic beauty of the wild life and in the security of knowing that God is in charge. And I believe that He will hear my prayers and heal this land.  It may take many years but; "seeing is not believing, believing is seeing".(The Santa Clause II)

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