Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Here's an idea!

There are so many negative things being thrown at us from everyone.  How about this....I will give my vote to the people who actually have workable solutions to some of the problems in the world.  I will vote for those who are willing to admit that they do not believe they can change things alone, but need to work together with others.  I will vote for those who admit that the "other guy does actually have some good ideas and we can learn from each other.". I will vote for the ones who understand that even though money can buy people, it is not the right thing to do.  I am looking for honesty, humility, and honor.  I don't care what religion you pretend to support, what your opinions are about people's personal lives, or what you do in your spare time.

I actually care about your plan for the poor, aged and children.  These are the ones with small or no voices.  You have nothing to gain from supporting them except the knowledge that it is the right thing to do.

I am sick of obvious lies from both sides.  I know I am not alone in this feeling.  I have ONE vote and I am not afraid to use it.


  1. Well now, you have a blog. Brings a smile to this old face. I agree, we need to pin the ears back on these people who seek our vote. Substance in their plan to move our country in the right direction is all I will listen to. I could care less about their superficial goals I want a plan and I want it in writing.

    Like that will happen.

    Keep the blog going I love it.
    Sam Walker ( your brothers pen name )lol
